Commission on Ministry
Teaching and Ruling Elders Only
Rev. Ruth Ann Christopher
Monthly, Second Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30pm
COM is organized in four ministry teams (subcommittees) to fulfill the responsibility of
serving as pastor, counselor, and advisor to the teaching elders, commissioned ruling elders,
and congregations of the Presbytery. The subcommittees are Administration (credentials and
compensation); Transitions (pastoral changes); Conflict (disagreements within churches); and
Congregational Resourcing (helping churches become more vital). Each COM member is part of
one of these teams. Members of COM are also called upon to:
Serve as a presbytery liaison to Pastor Nominating Committees in churches seeking to
call a teaching elder or commissioned ruling elder
Build and maintain relationships with teaching elder members and commissioned ruling
elders of the presbytery
Serve on intervention/support teams with church sessions as needed
Offer support for church sessions
Wisdom; humility; compassion and concern for each pastor, session, and congregation;
critical impartial thinking; appreciation for the diversity within/among church cultures; listening
and interfacing well with people.
to spend time beyond monthly meetings to faithfully complete tasks and
responsibilities; maintain confidentiality and avoid any conflict of interest while serving on
COM; become familiar with the Book of Order and Lehigh Presbytery policies, processes, and