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Shared General Presbyter: Rev Denise Pass

The Shared General Presbyter will guide our body as we explore new ways to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Leader will facilitate opportunities to partner and resources each other; staff a Vision Team who will plan for and guide our worshiping communities into the future of our Presbytery.  The Leader will work with the Stated Clerk, Moderator and Administrative Team to efficiently carry out mid-council (Presbytery) business.

Stated Clerk: Rev. Dr. Michael A. Drake

The Stated Clerk is elected by Presbytery to a three-year term.  The Clerk keeps the minutes and records of Presbytery and Presbytery Council; communicates with other governing bodies; draws up the Docket for Presbytery Meetings; interprets the Book of Order; and helps guide the Presbytery in its work and mission.

Moderator: Rev. Nicole Vogel

The Moderator is elected annually by the Presbytery.  The Moderator conducts all meetings of the Presbytery; represents the Presbytery to the religious and secular communities; helps guide the Presbytery in its work and mission; conducts services of Ordination and Installation; and is its highest elected Officer.

Chairperson of the Administrative Board: Elder William Brugger

The Chairperson of the Presbytery Administrative Board is the past moderator of the Lehigh Presbytery.  The Chairperson chairs the meeting of the Administrative Board, and helps guide the Presbytery in its work and mission.

Treasurer: Chris Vogel

The Treasurer is elected by Presbytery to a three-year term, without limitation. The Treasurer monitors the work of the Bookkeeper, provides a monthly overview of Presbytery’s finances for the Board of Trustees, makes recommendations to the Board as appropriate, and serves ex officio with the Finance Committee.

Office Administrator: Hannah Johnson

Unsure who to contact? Email Hannah Johnson and she will get back to you with the information you need.

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