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Committees and Boards

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Email for more information. All volunteers MUST be comfortable with Email and Zoom technology (3-year terms unless otherwise noted)

Administrative Board - Acts as the board of trustees for the Presbytery. This group oversees overall presbytery operations, including legal, financial, personnel, and polity matters. Coordinates the work of the committees and ministries of the presbytery. Reviews business that is to come before the Presbytery, makes recommendations to the Presbytery, and coordinates Presbytery assemblies. Board members are assigned tasks according to their area of expertise.


Ordinarily Meets meets 6:00 PM on 2nd Wednesday


Chair - Rev. Nicole Vogel

Rev. Don Brown, 1st term

Rev. Beth Utley, 1st term

Janet Ney, 2nd term

Rev. Andrew Barton, 1st term

Gary Perna, 1st term

Rev. Rebecca Mallozzi, 2nd term

Rev. Dr. Joanne Marchetto, 1st term

Jason Whitlock, 1st term

Martha Cox, 2nd term

Rev. Ruth Ann Christopher , 2nd term

Rev. Rhonda Kruse, 2nd term

Rev. Mike Drake, 2nd term

Christopher Vogel, 2nd term



Committee on Shared Gifts - COSG members are called by God to locate disciples who are willing to energetically serve and actively engage as board, committee, and commission members of the larger church, namely Lehigh Presbytery. Find team players across all the Presbytery’s congregations who communicate effectively and are willing to meet the challenges of transition, to effect change, and to strengthen our support of the church while being mindful and aware of appropriate representation. Nominate to the Presbytery commissioners to Synod and commissioners to General Assembly. Publish annual report of representation on Presbytery leadership and elected commissioners.


Meets as Needed


Chair - Martha Cox, 2nd term

Toni Brooks, 1st term



Committee on Preparation for Ministry - CPM is responsible for shepherding inquirers and candidates for ordination as Teaching Elder and commissioning as Commissioned Ruling Elder in the PC(USA) through the process of discerning and embracing their call to ministry. Through one-on-one relationships with individual committee members as their liaisons, inquirers and candidates navigate the logistical requirements and spiritual discovery of what it means to serve a church as teaching elder/pastor or commissioned ruling elder. CPM members attend monthly meetings as well as fulfilling the role of liaison for assigned inquirers/candidates. Liaisons make frequent contact with assigned candidates and inquirers to review where they are in the process and provide prayer and support.


Meets as Needed


Chair - Rev. Andrew Barton, 1st term

Rev. Beth Utley, 2nd term

Elder Mary Lazar, 1st term

Rev. Angie Van Hise, 1st term


Committee on Ministry - COM is organized in four ministry teams (subcommittees) to fulfill the responsibility of serving as pastor, counselor, and advisor to the teaching elders, commissioned ruling elders, and congregations of the Presbytery. The subcommittees are Administration (credentials and compensation); Transitions (pastoral changes); Conflict (disagreements within churches); and Congregational Resourcing (helping churches become more vital). Each COM member is part of

one of these teams.


Ordinarily Meets 7pm on 2nd Tuesday


Chair - Rev. Ruth Ann Christopher, 2nd term

Jane Dougherty, 2nd term

Rev. Fady Lous, 2nd term

Rev. George Taylor, 1st term

Rev. Mark Moo Je Cho, 2nd term

Rev. Carol S. Brown, 2nd term 

Rev. Edmund T. Freeborn, 1st term 

Rev. Susan Gilbert Zencka, 1st term

Rev. Taylor Hall, 2nd term

Rev. Charles Nyaga, 1st term

Gary Perna, 1st term

Rev. Rhonda Kruse, 2nd term

Rev. Dr. Mike Drake, 2nd term


Congregational Empowerment Team (Combined Lehigh and Lackawanna) - The CET’s mission is to empower and assist congregations who wish to engage in a changing world with the work of the gospel; can be TE, RE or laity;


Meets as needed


Chair - Marge Zeigler, 2nd term

Jan Oriel, 1st term

Jan Hunt, 2nd term

Rev. Mark Juengel, 1st term

Leslie Bullock, 2nd term


Martha Cox, 1st term


Finance Committee -  Reports and makes recommendations to Administrative Board regarding the financial life of presbytery – i.e., property, investments, insurance, financial management, budget, and related matters


Ordinarily Meets 6pm on 4th Tuesday


Chair - Janet Ney

Michael Cox

Sally Heimbach

Keith Schnell

McKenzie Lazar

Rev. Rhonda Kruse

Chris Vogel

Rev. Mike Drake


Personnel Committee (Combined Lehigh and Lackawanna) - Advises Administrative Board and Leadership/Visioning Team regarding Presbytery personnel matters.


Meets as needed


Chair - Rev. Beth Utley

Janet Ney

Kim Miner

Rev. Karen Kinney 

Lynn Wallis

Nancy Vignau

Dave Oriel

Rev. Rhonda Kruse

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