Committee on Preparation for Ministry
The Committee on Preparation for Ministry is responsible for shepherding inquirers and candidates for ordination as Teaching Elder and commissioning as Commissioned Ruling Elder in the PC(USA) through the process of discerning and embracing their call to ministry. Through one-on-one relationships with individual committee members as their liaisons, inquirers and candidates navigate the logistical requirements and spiritual discovery of what it means to serve a church as a teaching elder/pastor or commissioned ruling elder. CPM members serve as liaisons for assigned inquirers/candidates, making frequent contact to review where they are in the process and provide prayer and support.
If you are interested in information to help you discern whether you are called to ministry as an ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament, you might want to start at the denominational web page, Preparation for Ministry. For additional information and to connect with Lehigh Presbytery’s preparation process, contact Transitional Presbytery Leader Rhonda Kruse.
Ruling Elders interested in information about discerning a possible call to service as a Commissioned Ruling Elder can find basic information here.