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Vision Board
Open to all


Rev. J. C. Austin


Monthly, ordinarily fourth Tuesdays, 6:00-7:30 pm


The Vision Board is charged with discerning, articulating, catalyzing, and stewarding the
presbytery’s vision for how it can strengthen and support its congregations to serve Jesus Christ
in their communities and the world. Its work includes:


  • Planning and coordinating opportunities for learning and collaboration among the

  • presbyters.

  • Recommending programs, initiatives, and processes to the presbytery that help

  • congregations evaluate their current ministry and mission, envision future possibilities,

  • and be equipped to pursue those possibilities as the Holy Spirit leads them.

  • Recommending changes to the presbytery’s structure and/or policies to better facilitate

  • the work of fulfilling its vision.

  • Prayerfully researching, reviewing, and proposing sustainable options for Lehigh

  • Presbytery’s future.


 Strategic, imaginative, innovative, persistent, open to taking risks, open to listening to
others, willing to engage in faithful discernment

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